Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
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Vince Corso
Vince Corso
5 months ago

Mr. E could not agree more with you in this presentation and the ones I first watched on YouTube in 2020. I’m elderly and have honestly am technology challenged otherwise I would be watching all your archives. If you have a book I would purchase it. I have learned so much from watching older videos on YouTube ie. the androgeny of Adam& Eve based on Kabbalism. I believe it was that specific presentation and your identifying and sharing Deanne Loper’s book that I purchased it. . Thank you for that. It was back in 2020. I value and greatly appreciate ALL the great work you do. I too refuse to take the poison the ” magic potion” Do you know the ingredients in that bio tech weapon? The PLndemic pure insidious evil driven by quantum computers and the demonic influences behind A. I and the minions behind the deliberate designed agendas! I’m glad you’re still in your God given DNA as few few of us are. Did you know we the true remnant who are witnesses for Christ are called to persecution. But interesting fact I learned from RC Sproul teaching . In Acts 2 where Peter is declaring the out-workings of the Holy Spirit in the believer. The word for witness in the original Greek language is ” martyr!” I found this fact fascinating since so few of the original human race is not jabbed. Hence, the true remnant vs. the ” homo novus!”
Your knowledge on the tranny world and deceptions that still plague us from the mass media et. al… identifying with descriptions and palatable narrative I soak up as a sponge captivates and nauseates me at the same time. Brother, when I watch your work showing the FTM’s and MTM’s . This work you do is Monumental! I still mistake what I see and still many times since I love watching films ; theater and all the dramatic arts. RFK wife is a MTF? OMG! When I share with trusted others what I have learned they are in disbelief and shut me out. I’ve learned to be content in my loneliness and in my closeness to the Lord. I’m so thankful and so glad I can ” sing your praises!” on this platform. I feel privileged to see and know this work the Lord has given you to share. I most certainly do. But of course only those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know the truth and reality of the horror show that is being perpetrated on the masses. These pretenders will continue without a hitch to weave there nefarious webs of deceit and deceptions until Christ puts an end to all these atrocities and vanquished Satan and his minions/ the tares once and for always. I love your song parodies. They are ingenious and hilarious always bringing a smile on my face. God bless you brother. Stay well & Safe!

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