Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
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If nothing else, this blog agrees and supports the idea the media, especially the “news” media, is essential to propagandizing the people with false news, #HRDPAR, and other cultural nonsense that disrupts the normal human condition. They are critical to all psyops.

How do we keep all these news liars in line? Sure, we are told they are paid millions of dollars, but what if they’re also kept in line by keeping their sexual or gender identities secret or hidden in plain site?

What if they are altered from birth with the male and female sex hormones, as MrE3000 has suggested? They’re not reptiles, they’re not lizard people, but they are different as they don’t match their primary sex characteristics. It’s their secondary sex characteristics that are altered by constant hormone therapy, surgery, and makeup.

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”0060850523″ locale=”US” src=”” width=”329″]They are cultivated, literally, by the intelligence agencies that control our society. They are the pioneers of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where humans are hatched, without parents.

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