They Miss it
Jon Humanity – 11:04 mm:ss – Miss Universe – Miss Gendereversed Good analyses of the manly appearence of freshly elected French Miss Universe Not surprisingly the organizers of beauty pageants…
Articles, research, and transvestigations done here
Jon Humanity – 11:04 mm:ss – Miss Universe – Miss Gendereversed Good analyses of the manly appearence of freshly elected French Miss Universe Not surprisingly the organizers of beauty pageants…
Elite Gender Inversion is very much linked to social status and hierarchy and one of the countries that still perpetuate tradition in an important way is England and the British…
The good ones are so hard to tell. Hips are a giveaway that’s hard to mask.
I’m uncertain about the whole notion of genes and chromosomes. Is it also part of a grand science deception? Are there really X and Y chromosomes, if chromosomes do actually…
Jane Russell – Tranny Hit the Wall HARD
hristos mandylor – Trans Gender confusion Reigns! – 02:31 mm:ss No accident Colin Mochrie is a funny comedian… Mochrie is a name that closely resembles “mockery” as well as the…
Lots of men wasted time on this most famous spankee…
Another one of Howard Stern’s friends. Via
Not aliens or reptiles – just trannies? Kelly Anne Conway is rather harsh looking. Interesting back story.
— Most cultural movement and fashions seem to be created by the Elite. If we are what we eat we might all be concerned that our food is weaponized by…
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