There is no escape from EGI dupers delight as Hollywood continue to promote all the more unlikely female characters as role-models and heroines. For those who take an interest in Elite Gender Inversion there are many question that arise when we evaluate suspect gender makeup. In the case of film director David Mamet’s daughter Zosia – known as Shoshanna Shapiro from the tv-series ‘Girls’ – we might need look no further than her latest feature film.
The Boy Downstairs (2017) – Movie poster
It is hard to escape the direct link that is made from the initial interrogation of Zosia Mamet’s gender identity and the apparent answer hidden (well, sort of) within director Sophie Brooks’ debut movie title. Not only does Zosia look like boyish – something is apparently going on downstairs.
In the film scenario it is Zosia Mamet’s ex-boyfriend that lives in her basement and portray ‘the boy downstairs’. However the role is played by the chubby, effeminate looking Matthew Shear (anagram : ‘She Ra’) which again hint at more layers of inversion both literally and metaphorically.
Zosia Mamet (2016) is a firm believer in ”fake it til you make it” (link)
•very large skull, defined collar-bone, straight shoulders, strong neck, big ears, male hairline, thick eyebrows over a huge brow-ridge, long prominent nose, deep-set eyes, sizeable chin and mouth
Research so far strongly suggests that Elite Gender Inversion runs in Elite families where these occult traditions originate many generations back. EGI is thus not a behavior only made possible through modern medicine, but rather an ancient art practiced through the ages (God created EGI) and particularly well demonstrated and manifest in Medieval and Renaissance theatre where the cast traditionally was all male (women were portrayed by young males in all plays).
The ancient traditions of ‘Boy Players’ (h/t rgos) from Shakespearean theatre do not seem lost, but rather the stage appear merged into our everyday settings where lifetime roles have been administrated by family lineage – not by any public form of audition as the we’ve been misled to believe. The lifetime actors troops must therefore be considerable in size in order to cover all the various parts of public life where scripted performances are required and seemingly performed ad infinitum.
Diana Irvine and Zosia Mamet on the set of ‘The Boy Downstairs’
•both actresses look similar to ‘Boy Players’ of the past when there was no mystery of gender “downstairs”
Film director Sophie Brooks and lead actress Zosia Mamet
•both girls display male size teeth, wide dental bridges, long noses and male cheekbones and head size