Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Sr Dolores Farmer co-founder of The Sisters of the Holy Family
Sr Dolores Farmer – co-founder of The Sisters of the Holy Family (S.H.F.)

Religion seems to be the primordial building block for any civilised society and its position gained from authority on topics that objectively have no defined answers. To be able to persuade informed men and women that there is merit to such unverifiable claims as the origin of life and death is on the surface nonsensical – yet every culture seems to have their own recipe readily available.

Belief is itself a very questionnable notion we are incessantly reminded to respect no matter how ill founded. The salesmen of religion have of course their specially designed cookbook where anything can be supported by twist of a verse supported by the authoritative fallacy of it’s author who is not even a man but a versatile God who awaits to judge us in the afterlife.

Such an outlandish proposition would normally make any truth-seeker cringe, and even more-so when they discover to whom the Bible’s author chose to entrust his legacy – a group of unscrupulous men in silk dresses, hats, jewellery and disposing bank-accounts so rich it is beyond decency they dare collect any more money at all let alone pretend to work in the interest of the poor. But they do.

So twisted is the nature of religion that it should be no surprise their fraud is only possible because it is of such proportions the public can not imagine the perversion and dishonesty required for such falsehoods and lies. Hitler called the recipe the big lie and we still have not uncovered just how ‘big‘ the lies of religion really are nor how deep they are rooted.

When we rid ourselves of the incredulity this robed community has mastered to hide behind for far too long we soon encounter obvious problems with the very gender-identity these ‘oh lie’ or ‘holy’ sales representatives have chosen to hide behind.

It would seem a bit risky for the clergy to tie too many links between the church and Holywood but of course these are actors selling the product and no surprise in how some actresses transitioned so well into the role of nuns. The Lord seem to indeed have made his earthly representatives in his own image and that clearly appear to be an inverted reality where sisters are brothers and fathers are mothers.

Dolores Hart – here as a Hollywood actress

Dolores Hart played Elvis Presley’s sweetheart in the movie Loving You (1957) only 18 years old. Later in her career, Dolores met Pope St. John XXIII in Italy during a film shoot, and when she introduced herself as Dolores Hart the Pope responded “No, you are St. Clare of Assisi!”

Mother Dolores Hart 2012
Dolores Hart, now Reverend Mother, arrives at the 84th Annual Academy Awards in 2012 with her ‘former’ Holywood siblings

Olalla Oliveros – during her modelling career

Olalla Oliver is Spanish model and actress that received in her mind the image of herself dressed as a nun upon visiting the Catholic pilgrimage site Fatima in Portugal –  “The Lord is never wrong, He asked if I will follow him, and I could not refuse”.

Olalla Oliver with her Catholic ‘sisters’

Amada Rosa Pérez from Columbia is seemingly the next actress and model expected to turn up in Nun’s clothing as she is currently under religious conversion in a Marian religious community.


By Unreal

North, East, West, South - our media encode, script and popularize stories that aim to control the general population. Information is not free or harmless - rather a controlled and refined weapon covertly used on our minds ever since its inception - and model - the Babel.

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