Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
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7 years ago

This individual obviously show very clear signs of EGI, still it seems that the YT presenter throws in a some questionable arguments.

•sloping forehead is not often found nor consistent and found only in some rare images* – most pictures actually show he has atypically female forehead, hairline and skull with typical widows crest.
•the eyebrows are modified to make Nick Hoult look masculine as his face otherwise has little to no female characteristics. They have used brow-ridge implants and brow-hair implants or transplants

If the Elite bother so much to hide their hands, make difficult finger-signs deceptively – we have an indirect admission of the validity of hands as an element they need to cover up in imagery. There are not many pictures of Hoult’s hands but when we find them, they occur in professional photos that are retouched. Contrary to what is said in the video, this is good indicator as finger-length found in the reworked images are inconsistent, and contrary to video stills.

It can be seen that Hoult has inconsistent index-finger length in a number of images, from very short to just a little shorter than the the ring finger. However, in video interview he shows the opposite signs of a longer index than ring finger – despite his incessant hand movements and seemingly rehearsed ability to hide his fingers.

I ask the digit-ratio skeptics – Why alter photos and hide fingers if it isn’t a very telling sign of gender inversion ?

*If we factor in altered eyebrows with implants this further demonstrate he has no “sloping” forehead and in reality a very generous female fronthead – much taller/higher than in a typical male. This is why he rarely showed his front when young, and more as he comes of age and could be credible to have an “adult” hairline and/or balding patterns. This also hides his widows crest as they reshape the hairline into an M shape

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