Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Jon Humanity – 11:04 mm:ss – Miss Universe – Miss Gendereversed
Good analyses of the manly appearence of freshly elected French Miss Universe

Not surprisingly the organizers of beauty pageants are private and as late as 2015 the co-owner of the Miss Universe (s)elections was none other than Donald Trump. Currently Miss Universe is  owned by IMG and William Morris Endeavor and produced by their event company “Trans World International“. How fitting.

Mittenaere and Sylvie Tellier
Iris Mittenaere and Sylvie Tellier – Miss France 2016 & 2002 respectively
•Tellier is General Director of both Miss France and Miss Europe Organization (privately owned)

Politics seem to be linked both literally and covertly in these public ceremonies and the current title-holder comes from France in the person of Iris Mittenaere. Iris is of course easy on the eye on first impression with her immaculate make-up and dress branded with her Miss Universe insignia. But Iris isn’t just flashy on the retina, her name is also an uncanny mnemonic trick for the french audience as her name closely mimics that of former french President François Mitterrand (1981-1995).

One might need to be a bit familiar with french to understand the trick, but it is quite simple – inversion of the last half of Mitterrand’s name phonetically. The last part of the beauty-queens family-name is inverted and spelled differently from the late presidents name.
•Mitterrand [phonetically: mitt-r-an]
•Mittenaere [phonetically: mitt-n-ar]

Both spellings have silent letters and could be understood as ‘ran’ and ‘nar’ when referring to pronunciation in french.

Mittenaere easy on the one eye
Iris Mittenaere – easy on the one eye


By Unreal

North, East, West, South - our media encode, script and popularize stories that aim to control the general population. Information is not free or harmless - rather a controlled and refined weapon covertly used on our minds ever since its inception - and model - the Babel.

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7 years ago

Great post!

Perhaps, the words of pageant alumni Kellyanne Conway ring more truth than we dare to imagine.

“Don’t be fooled, because I am a man by day.”


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