Robert Peter “Robbie” Williams 2012 with newborn Theodora Rose
The current focus of Youtube transvestigator Hans Wormhat is now turned towards scripture and the most elusive side of Elite Gender Inversion – the Female to Male secret transgenders. On the religious bent it is difficult for me to follow Hans Wormhat, but his recent “Pregvestigations” are really poignant and mostly very well elaborated. Kudos to Wormhat for breaking open a question that for too long was left untouched.
Those who do read the Fakeologist EGI forum thread might remember how this very topic was elaborated upon in december 2016 and in light of the recent “pregvestigation” videos and new cases now coming out from Hans Wormhat it might be worthwhile to highlight how close to the scenario laid out back then it seems we have gotten today.
Original post (16-12-2016) from the EGI forum here
Everyone can possibly agree that childbirth is truly magic.
For the Gender Inverted Elite this could be even more-so true. Maybe literally. How can a MTF (Male To Female) individual give birth or have a child ?
If the Elite switch gender and still manage to reproduce, they must have a very elaborate process worked out to manage their offspring. Effectively, an Elite housewife will most probably have the inconvenience of not disposing the right reproductive system for taking care of either pregnancy nor child-birth. Today of course there are all types of alternative methods to both conceive a child as there is for the child-bearing itself. Famous examples like soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo or singer Ricky Martin have very publicly opted for surrogate mothers.
However advanced modern Assisted Reproductive Technologies ( ART ) have become, the Elite must have managed this process even in the olden time. As modernity may hint at, the EGI might even consider their reproductive phase as their most ancient form of Art – how to stage their inverted child-process and pass it for real.
The first part is called “The Pledge”. The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course… it probably isn’t.
The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret…
But you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because making something disappear isn’t enough; you have to bring it back. That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”.
Christopher Priest, The Prestige
When we consider the efforts produced by a Gender Inverted Elite to have us believe in their public display of the opposite gender, child-birth might be regarded as child-play in comparison. Maybe there is also a large part of duping delight involved as well. People who all since childhood put on a very convincing performance must somehow be thrilled to engage in a new act, performed by their ancestors since time and memorial. As an uninitiated public, we can mostly only observe that far to many stars and personalities do look rather artificial while sporting bellies that often look like an ill positioned cushion.
EGI Child birth – might partly be done as follows (with many variations within):
Act 1 – The Pledge :
•FTM individual keep strict diet and prepare for early birth, quick recovery
•FTM pregnant individual move, do business trip, vacation or hide last 1-3 months
•MTF play pregnant, gain weight and gather public attention with family & friends
Act 2 – The Turn :
•FTM (pregnant) male arrive at hospital incognito or give birth in private clinic
•Child is born (early) and kept in incubator and/or transported on location
•MTF fake start of birthing process and is very publicly taken to the hospital
Act 3 – The Prestige :
•Child announced at selected date – nobody notice slight age difference for babies
•MTF very publicly announce birth at hospital and display child for images/press
•FTM either present during childbirth staging or arrive « late » if tough birth
Prince Charles of Wales and Princess Diana
•Leaving St. Mary Hospital with Prince William Duke of Cambridge born 21/6 in 1982
Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Duchess Catherine
•Leaving St. Mary Hospital with Prince George of Cambridge born 22/7 in 2013